Over 150 Provincial Transportation Studies
Rod has experience with all phases of provincial transportation studies including: corridor studies, planning & preliminary design, detail design, design build and construction administration assignments. Rod is currently working on a Highway 69 Four-Laning Construction Administration assignment which is the largest highway project that the Ministry of Transportation has ever contracted.
Canadian Certified Environmental Professional
Rod has been certified and a member of good-standing through the Canadian Environmental Certifications and Approval Board (CECAB) since 2005. CECAB is responsible for overseeing the administration, evaluation and approval of ECO Canada’s certification of Environmental Professionals in Canada.
35 Years of Experience
Rod began his career with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority as a fisheries technician. He continued his career with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in Maple District, Bracebridge District, North Bay District and the Acidification Study Unit in Dorset, Ontario.. His experience in both the public and private sector is an asset to our clients.
OMB Expert Witness
The Ontario Municipal Board is an independent adjudicative tribunal that conducts hearings and makes decisions on matters that have been appealed to the OMB under specific provincial legislation. Rod has appeared at hearings on numerous occasions as an expert witness on ecology. An expert witness has scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge that is confirmed by the Board and testifies under oath.