Rebecca Geauvreau

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Species at Risk Biologist

Rebecca Geauvreau

Wetland Assessment Expert

Rebecca is an Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) Certified Wetland Evaluator.  She is experienced conducting full wetland evaluations, wetland file updates and boundary delineation in northern and central Ontario. 

15+ Years Experience

Rebecca is the lead terrestrial biologist at FRi Ecological Services.  Prior to this, she worked for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources as a biologist, focusing on species at risk and their habitat.  She’s also held positions with the Ontario Forest Research Institute (OFRI) and Ontario Parks. 

Species at Risk Specialist

Rebecca has extensive experience conducting species at risk surveys and habitat assessments and reporting for the same.   She works with clients to successfully negotiate Endangered Species Act authorizations, municipal approvals and agency consent. 

GIS Proficient

FRi Ecological Services uses the latest GIS software for data collection, analysis and mapping.  Rebecca coordinates FRi’s digital data collection and maintains the associated data and imagery stores.  She is proficient with ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro and the Collector App and ensures that the data is available in easy-to-use and understand format for clients and approval authorities.