Conservation Design Vacant Land Condominium Residential Development

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Approval of the first Conservation Design Residential Development in Ontario.

Gain draft approval of the first Conservation Design Residential Development in Ontario under the Planning Act


The developer had proceeded with a traditional development that did not satisfy all of the expected requirements. We looked at the property again from a Conservation Design perspective and convinced both the developer and the Municipality that this would be a win-win situation for both.


Marcel Dégagné Carpentry is an innovative family-run business that specializes in residential property development and construction services as a General Contractor.


Through educational presentations and consultation, demonstrate to both the client and the Municipality the benefits of a Conservation Design development and how it can better achieve the goals of their Official Plan.


FRi Ecological Services was able to present a development option to the client that vastly reduced their site development costs associated with road construction and building site preparation while providing a unique type of development with a potentially greater market appeal. The benefits also extend to the Municipality in lower maintenance and operation costs, complete protection of natural heritage features and maintenance of an optimum tax base.


The Client has now received Draft Plan Approval and has begun construction on the development.